Germano Almeida
Germano Almeida, is a commentator for SIC on international politics, especially US politics, a topic he has studied and analyzed for more than two decades. He is the author of five books on US presidencies: “White House Stories” (May 2010, preface General Loureiro dos Santos); “Inside the Reelection” (April 2013, opening note by Ambassador Allan Katz); “Hillary Clinton: It’s Never Too Late to Win” (October 2016, preface by Sena Santos); “This Isn’t Quite a President of the USA – Donald Trump in the White House, Diary of the Years of American Trouble” (November 2018, preface by Luís Pedro Nunes); “Joe Biden, the Man and His Circumstances – America’s Return in the Era of Extreme Polarization”). He has also analyzed in detail the War in Ukraine. FLAD scholarship holder in October/November 2012. He attended the IDN Security and Defense course (June 2013). Graduated in Communication Sciences at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, he is a Data Analyst in the Office of the CEO of Portuguese Football Federation.